Scar reduction and areola restoration will be quoted upon consultation.

Prices quoted via email are valid for 3 months and are subject to change.

Studio consultation £150

A great way for you to figure out if this treatment is right for you. Meet Rachel at the studio to discuss and test potential design options and your bespoke treatment plan.

Hyper-realistic Eyebrows £1150 - £1300

Rachel’s internationally recognised style. For fluffy brows that flow in harmony with your existing hair growth and bone structure, Rachel will guide you through your treatment and utilise her expertise to determine what will achieve the most natural results.

Subtle Lash Liner £850

Pigment will be applied through the upper lid lashes to achieve a very delicate line and natural result, giving the subtle illusion of fuller eyelashes. For pigment to be placed along and above the lash line for a more noticeable result and stronger flick, please book "Liquid Eyeliner".

Liquid Eyeliner £950

For a modest and discreet eyeliner taking pigment both through and up to 1.5mm above the lash line on the upper lid, with a gentle flick.

Natural Lip Tint AKA Full Lip Colour £950

Pigment will be applied throughout the lips to achieve an overall tint of colour for a blushed effect or tonal shift. Shape, volume and symmetry will also be improved and optimised with this treatment.

Beauty Spot £250

Freckles £500-1500

A natural beauty mark or a gentle sprinkle of freckles to bring subtle attention to your favourite feature(s).


6-12 weeks: £250-650+ depending upon treatment area, amount of retouching required, and time frame.

After 12 weeks the full price will apply.

If you’re unsure if the time is right, please email photos of the area to It’s best to let the pigment fade 50% prior to retouching.