What is micropigmentation? 

Also known as semi permanent make-up, tattooing and cosmetic tattooing: Rachel uses a lightweight rotary tattoo pen with a sterilised single use needle cartridge, to deposit pharmaceutical grade pigment into the upper part of the dermal layer of skin. This technique is derived from traditional tattooing, however, the depth of needle is shallower to allow for finer detail and gradual fading. 

How long does 'Permanent' makeup last?

Depending upon the pigment utilised, it will take 2-7+ years for any colour to completely exit the skin. In order to maintain your cosmetic tattoo, it is recommended to have further treatment every 12-36 months. Some pigments will take longer than others to fade. This depends on the specific pigment utilised, which area is treated, your skin type, and lifestyle factors. For example: light blonde brows applied to someone who has oily skin, will fade much faster than black eyeliner applied to someone with a normal skin type. Other factors can speed up fading, such as your metabolism, if you sunbathe, or if you are deficient in iron.

To help prolong your pigment and assist neutral fading: 

Wear factor 50 SPF during sun exposure (preferably daily). Avoid the direct application of anti ageing creams containing Retin A/Retinol and other exfoliating/ skin renewal treatments, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion, over the treated area. Supplement with iron if you are deficient, to preserve the iron oxide colourants in your pigment.

What does the appointment involve?

After having a consultation via email, your appointment with Rachel will be about two-three hours long, and will include a consultation immediately prior to treatment. Your goals and expectations/aspirations for your results will be discussed and Rachel will then begin drawing the design of your enhancement until you reach a shape that you’re both happy with. She will apply the pigment accordingly, this takes 45-90 minutes depending upon the treatment area and coverage requested or required.

Does it hurt?

A topical numbing cream can be applied prior to the procedure to prevent and alleviate pain, however Rachel is so gentle this often isn’t necessary.

Will I get my results straight away?

Immediate results are initially about 30% darker than the final healed result, and the area will become a little dry and flakey for about 5-14 days post procedure. Some people will experience a little redness that will resolve within the first 48 hours. After the initial healing, the top layer of the tattoo will flake off and the colour beneath may have seemingly disappeared, but this will start to develop again throughout the next few weeks. Uneven results can occur after your first treatment. This is dependent on how your skin accepts the pigment, and how well you look after the area whilst it’s healing. But not to worry, you can have a retouch treatment 6-12 weeks later to perfect the colour and address any other alterations you may want to make.

Does micropigmentation work on everybody’s skin? 

Certain skin conditions will find it harder to retain the pigment, for example those with rosacea, oily skin, and psoriasis.

Am I a good candidate?

If you have an iron deficiency it is recommended to commence supplementing prior to your treatment, this is because the pigments are formulated with iron oxides and if deficient, the body can draw this from the pigment. 

If you are pregnant you will need to wait until you are 3 months post breastfeeding, to allow your hormones to settle down as this can affect the healed result.

If you have oily skin, or you work outdoors, be prepared to require more frequent maintenance touch ups as the pigment will fade quicker. 

If you are on any medication or have had any cosmetic or medical procedures in the last year, you will need to inform Rachel.

What’s the after care? 

Please visit the post treatment advice section on here for detailed guidance. You will need to avoid any sweat inducing activity for 7-14 days (depending upon the area treated) and avoid swimming/ sunbathing for 2 weeks.